Wednesday, February 4, 2009

OK so today is a dual post due to me being pretty wiped last night after coming home from my run.

Last nights run was great! It was freezing cold snow was on the ground. Though I had myself nice and bundled up. I took it very very slow. I wanted to just be out there for a while. I only ended up hitting about 3 miles but I forced myself to be out there even in the snow!
Todays run... well.. that was a bit different. Today was FREEZING. My schedule had me for Cross Training so I did a little more than my normal morning cardio work out. I lifted a little heavier, nothing huge. I also went for a run. WOW was it cold. I've noticed lately how intense my sense of smell has got to cigarette smoke. I can smell it as people are driving by. I mean to each their own but wow, coming from a guy who smoked over a pack a day for a good long time.. "smoke STINKS!"

I am still running the path that I have here for the next 2 weeks at least! So if anyone is in the area please feel free to say hey or stop by or join me on a run.


1 comment:

  1. You are the man. I have a hard time just taking out the trash and here you are running for cancer. I probably won't run with you but I will definitely curse you out when you need some motivational support. I got your back broham!
