Wednesday, March 25, 2009

for every unanswered question...

Ok so when I started this, there was a little girl's picture that has been on my fridge since our kickoff. Her name is Francesca. I can practically paint the picture from my head and seeing it so many times. Her face is what keeps me going sometimes. It's one of the many reminders that I have up around my place to let me know that my little pains that I am going through right now and my little "eh I don't wanna get up at 5am to run" or "I'd rather sit and watch TV tonight instead of running" mean ZERO compared to these kids. So, last Saturday I had a 12 mile run. Early on in the run I found myself in a hole. Meaning, there was a group ahead of me running just a little bit fast than I wanted to, and a group behind just a bit slower. So I had no one. I did what I normally do and drift off into a place where I can hear my blood pump, my breath leave my lungs, and my feet hit the ground. Just as I got there, I started getting down again, thinking about the little things around me lately; money (lack thereof) work, family, love all the things that tend to bring us away from what we truly want to accomplish in life I guess. Just then someone pulls up next to me, like he was at the same pace as I was the whole time. Now I can't tell you if he did it just because he saw me alone, or if he was truly just the same speed as I was, but it didn't matter. We exchanged the normal, "Hi" and he asked me what race I was doing. I told him my story about fund raising and what was going on with it and how I thought it would be a lot further along by now. After him telling me that it didn't matter which race I ran, that I was doing a great thing here. He gave me some advice about other people he knew and what they do. So now it was my turn "So what race are YOU doing" Now mind you at this point, I was probably sounding a little down about the whole thing, not knowing if I could make it kind crap. "Oh I'm not running a race this time, I just got back from an injury, but my daughter is one of the honored teammates, Francesca, so I try to run when I can. Ok seriously? Last week got me going, but this? Wow, I was shocked. I then explained to him how I have her picture on my fridge. He told me how he would pass her sleeping on the couch sleeping after a rough night during treatment, and he would think, "If she can do that, I can go out there and run today" He told me how great everyone was that helped her. Then the best, he told me how great she was doing! It was an honor to run next to him. Everyone should get the chance to be inspired by a father like that. My heart has broken just seeing my daughter wake up from a bad dream, this little girl has been through this...

25 spinal taps
2 Months in the Hospital
900 Consecutive Days of Chemo

So no matter what race I run this season, oh yes.. there will be more of this, I am doing something good and it TRULY impacts people daily. So please donate some more if you can. If you have already I thank you!

- Vinny

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Talk about support!

Wow, so it's been a while since I've posted something up here. I meant to really keep on this and I'm going to try to do it a bit better now. Though I wanted to share something with anyone that's reading! Today was my first long run back after an injury that I didn't know I had. Last Saturday was a 10 mile run at Cedar Creek. I started out my run feeling really good, but after a while developed a REALLY bad pain in my calf. I tried to keep going, but after 5 miles I decided it would be a good idea to stop for the day and go see a doctor. So I went to my primary and he pretty much said nothing, he thought it had something to do with an electrolyte deficiency. So I went to a podiatrist and got some answers, orthodics and a prescription for some good old Physical Therapy. I went out that night for a run and felt good, only did a few miles so I wouldn't hurt anything. Though this morning I was out with the team again for the full 10. My leg was still sore, but nothing compared to what it was the week before. It was a normal OK kind of pain. The one you get when, you know, you run 10 miles. So ok, back to the point. I was at about mile 7 or so when I started to feel a little tired, and that feeling of, "Why am I doing this again?" Came over me. See I'm really far away from my goal, and it's hard to keep up that mentality of "Go get em tiger" When something I was counting on, doesn't look like it's going to come through. I finished the 10 miles, came home, had myself some good breakfast and sat down for a little while. I woke up to a good friend of mine, Jeff, calling me to tell me he's putting signs up where he works to help me out. After we got off the phone I see an email that I've got a 50 dollar donation from him. Then I see another email a few minutes later, my buddy down in FL, Garza, donated too. Then ANOTHER email from another friends sister, Katie. Then more through out the day. Melissa, Jillian. It made me very happy. Though there is still a pretty good chance I might not make the money to get to San Diego I should have the money to run Long Island. Now, I'd much rather raise 4,600 and get to give all that money to LLS, but well I was reminded that no matter what, everyone is helping out, everyone is giving what they can. And if right now I can only raise enough to stay local, then so be it! The point is I'm doing what I can! So to those who've donated! Thank you! From the bottom of my heart you've made next weeks run, easier for me already!